Wednesday, January 8, 2014

MVC and JQuery

1)    What is MVC?
MVC is an architectural pattern which separates the representation and user interaction. It’s divided into  three broader sections, Model, View, and Controller.
Model - Model represents the real world object and provides data to the View
View - The View is responsible for the look and feel .ie) Applications User Interface.
Controller - The Controller is responsible for taking the end user request and loading the appropriate Model and View.
2)    What are the benefits of using MVC?
-         Separation of concerns is achieved as we are moving the code-behind to a separate class file.
-         It provides better support for test-driven development (TDD).
-         It uses a Front Controller pattern 
-         It does not use view state or server-based forms
-         It works well for large teams of Web developers . Bcoz separation of concerns.
Both of them provide the same HTML output, “HTML.TextBoxFor” is strongly typed while “HTML.TextBox” isn’t. Below is a simple HTML code which just creates a simple textbox with “CustomerCode” as name.


Below is “Html.TextBoxFor” code which creates HTML textbox using the property name ‘CustomerCode” from object “m”.

Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.CustomerCode)

In the same way we have for other HTML controls like for checkbox we have “Html.CheckBox” and “Html.CheckBoxFor”.

4)    What is routing in MVC

Routing helps you to define a URL structure and map the URL with the controller.
Routing module is responsible for mapping incoming browser requests to particular MVC controller actions.
               "View", // Route name
               "View/ViewCustomer/{id}", // URL with parameters
               new { controller = "Customer", action = "DisplayCustomer", 
id = UrlParameter.Optional }); // Parameter defaults  
For instance let’s say we want that when a user types “http://localhost/View/ViewCustomer/”, it goes to the “Customer” Controller and invokes the DisplayCustomer action. This is defined by adding an entry in to the routes collection using the maproute function.

5)    Where is the route mapping code written?

The route mapping code is written in the “global.asax” file.

6)    Can we map multiple URL’s to the same action?

Yes, you can, you just need to make two entries with different key names and specify the same controller and action.

7)    How can we navigate from one view to another using a hyperlink?

By using the ActionLink method,

8)    How can we restrict MVC actions to be invoked only by GET or POST?
We can decorate the MVC action with the HttpGet or HttpPost attribute to restrict the type of HTTP calls. For instance you can see in the below code snippet the DisplayCustomer action can only be invoked by HttpGet. If we try to make HTTP POST on DisplayCustomer, it will throw an error.
public ViewResult DisplayCustomer(int id)
    Customer objCustomer = Customers[id];
    return View("DisplayCustomer",objCustomer);

9)    How can we maintain sessions in MVC?

Sessions can be maintained in MVC by three ways: tempdata, viewdata, and viewbag.

·         Temp data - Helps to maintain data when you move from one controller to another controller or from one action to another action. In other words when you redirect, tempdata helps to maintain data between those redirects. It internally uses session variables.
·         View data - Helps to maintain data when you move from controller to view.
·         View Bag - It’s a dynamic wrapper around view data. When you use Viewbag type, casting is not required. It uses the dynamic keyword internally.
·         Hidden fields and HTML controls - Helps to maintain data from UI to controller only. So you can send data from HTML controls or hidden fields to the controller using POST or GET HTTP methods.
10) What are partial views in MVC?
Partial view is a reusable view (like a user control) which can be embedded inside other view. For example let’s say all your pages of your site have a standard structure with left menu, header, and footer.
Once the partial view is created you can then call the partial view in the main view using the Html.RenderPartialmethod.


11) How can we do validations in MVC?

Doing validation in MVC is by using data annotations.
Data annotations are nothing but attributes which can be applied on model properties.
public class Customer
    [Required(ErrorMessage="Customer code is required")]
    public string CustomerCode

To display the validation error message we need to use the ValidateMessageFor method which belongs to the Html helper class.
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.CustomerCode)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.CustomerCode)
Later in the controller we can check if the model is proper or not by using the ModelState.IsValid property and accordingly we can take actions. 

public ActionResult PostCustomer(Customer obj)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        return View("Thanks");
        return View("Customer");

Using @Html.ValidationSummary()  to display all errors.
Other data annotation attributes for validation in MVC?

StringLength, RegularExpression, Range etc.

12) What is Razor in MVC?

It’s a light weight view engine. Razor is clean, lightweight, and syntaxes are easy as compared to ASPX.

13) How to implement AJAX in MVC?
       You can implement AJAX in two ways in MVC: 
1)    AJAX libraries
2)    jQuery
14) What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult?

ActionResult is an abstract class while ViewResult derives from the ActionResult class. ActionResult has several derived classes like ViewResultJsonResultFileStreamResult, and so on.
15) What are the different types of results in MVC?
There 12 kinds of results in MVC, at the top is the ActionResult class which is a base class that can have 11 subtypes 

1.     ViewResult - Renders a specified view to the response stream
2.     PartialViewResult - Renders a specified partial view to the response stream
3.     EmptyResult - An empty response is returned
4.     RedirectResult - Performs an HTTP redirection to a specified URL
5.     RedirectToRouteResult - Performs an HTTP redirection to a URL that is determined by the routing engine, based on given route data
6.     JsonResult - Serializes a given ViewData object to JSON format
7.     JavaScriptResult - Returns a piece of JavaScript code that can be executed on the client
8.     ContentResult - Writes content to the response stream without requiring a view
9.     FileContentResult - Returns a file to the client
10.  FileStreamResult - Returns a file to the client, which is provided by a Stream
11.  FilePathResult - Returns a file to the client
16) How to send result back in JSON format in MVC
In MVC, we have the JsonResult class by which we can return back data in JSON format. Below is a simple sample code which returns back a Customer object in JSON format using JsonResult.

public JsonResult getCustomer()
    Customer obj = new Customer();
    obj.CustomerCode = "1001";
    obj.CustomerName = "Shiv";
    return Json(obj,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Below is the JSON output of the above code if you invoke the action via the browser.
17)   What is the ‘page lifecycle’ of an ASP.NET MVC?
Following process are performed by ASP.Net MVC page:
1) App initialization
2) Routing
3) Instantiate and execute controller
4) Locate and invoke controller action
5) Instantiate and render view
19) What is the significance of ASP.NET routing?
ASP.NET MVC uses ASP.NET routing, to map incoming browser requests to controller action methods. ASP.NET Routing makes use of route table. Route table is created when your web application first starts. The route table is present in the Global.asax file.
20) How route table is created in ASP.NET MVC?
When an MVC application first starts, the Application_Start() method is called. This method, in turn, calls the RegisterRoutes() method. The RegisterRoutes() method creates the route table.
21)What is the use of the following default route?
This route definition, prevent requests for the Web resource files such as WebResource.axd or ScriptResource.axd from being passed to a controller.
22) What is the use of action filters in an MVC application?
Action Filters allow us to add pre-action and post-action behavior to controller action methods.
23) What are the different types of filters, in an mvc application?
1. Authorization filters
2. Action filters
3. Result filters
4. Exception filters
24)  Give an example for Authorization filters in an mvc application?
1. RequireHttpsAttribute
2. AuthorizeAttribute
25) Which filter executes first in an mvc application?
Authorization filter
26) What filters are executed in the end?
Exception Filters
27) When using aspx view engine, to have a consistent look and feel, across all pages of the application, we can make use of master pages. What is master pages equivalent, when using razor views?
To have a consistent look and feel when using razor views, we can make use of layout pages. Layout pages, reside in the shared folder, and are named as _Layout.cshtml
28) AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
AJAX is the art of exchanging data with a server, and update parts of a web page – without reloading the whole page.
“AJAX does not refresh or reload the whole page”. 

But, the more perfect answer is – “AJAX is an 
asynchronous technology where others request are synchronous.” 
-         Asynchronous requests have their advantages 
Some of the advantages are,
-         Partial Rendering of a Complex Page
-         It Looks Fast
-         Reduced Server Load

What is the difference between asynchronous (AJAX) and synchronous request?

Asynchronous – Two way communication

synchronous – One way communication



Asynchronous communication works much like the postal system: An application creates a message (that’s a piece of data such as the text String “Order 1000 barrels crude oil”, or an XML expression), and labels the message with a destination address (that’s typically the logical name of a “mail box”, and not an IP address). The message is passed to the messaging middleware system.
Now the sender application proceeds happily, without needing to wait for the message to be delivered.
Synchronous communication works much like a phone call. The Receiver (callee) must be available, otherwise the conversation cannot occur.
29) Differ ASP.NET Webforms Vs ASP.NET MVC?
ASP.NET Webforms
It uses a Page Controller pattern
It uses a Front Controller pattern 
More difficult for Test Driven compare to MVC
It provides better support for test-driven development (TDD).

It uses view state on server-based forms,
It does not use view state or server-based forms
It works well for small teams of Web developers 
It works well for large teams of Web developers . Bcoz separation of concerns.


What is Jquery?

JQuery is a light weight  Java Script library
It mainly helps programmer to reduce lines of code as huge code written in Java Script, can be done easily with JQuery in few lines. 
1) What is jQuery Selectors? Give some examples.
Ans: Selectors are used in jQuery to find out DOM elements. Selectors can find the elements via ID, CSS, Element name and hierarchical position of the element.

Selector     Example          Selects
*           $("*")          All elements
#id          $("#lastname")      The element with id=lastname
.class          $(".intro")              All elements with class="intro"
element      $("p")          All p elements

2) Is window.onload is different from document.ready()?

- The window.onload() is Java script function and document.ready() is jQuery event which are called when page is loaded.
- The difference is that document.ready() is called after the DOM is loaded without waiting for all the contents to get loaded. While window.onload() function waits until the contents of page is loaded.
- Suppose there is very large image on a page, at that time window.onload() will wait until that image is loaded totally.
- So while using the window.onlaod() function the execution will be slow, but the document.ready() will not wait until the image is loaded.

3)  What is Chaining in jQuery?

- Chaining is very powerful feature of jQuery.
- Chaining means specifying multiple function and/or selectors to an element.
- Examine the below example
$('#mydiv').css('color', 'blue');
By using chaining we can write above code as follows
$('#mydiv').css('color', 'blue').addClass('myclass').fadeIn('fast');
-Advantage of chaining is that it makes your code simple and simple to manage.
-The execution becomes faster because the code search for the element only once.

4) What is difference between sorting string array and sorting numerical array in jQuery?

The sort method is used to sort any array elements. It sorts the string elements alphabetically.
For example
var mylist = [ “Apple”,”Orange”,”Banana”];
mylist = mylist.sort();
It will give following output

5)  What is difference between prop and attr?

  • In jQuery both prop() and attr() function is used to set/get the value of specified property of an element.
  • The difference in both the function is that attr() returns the default value of the property while the prop() returns the current value of the property.

For example
<input value="My Value" type="text"/> 

$('input').prop('value', 'Changed Value');

-.attr('value') will return 'My Value' 
-.prop('value') will return 'Changed Value'

6) What is resize() function in jQuery?

The resize() function is called whenever the browser size is changed. This event can be only used with $(window).
.resize([event_data], handler(event_object))
-The “event_data” is the data to be sent to the handler.
-The “handler(event_object)” is a function to be called each time when the window is resized.
For example
$(window).resize(function() {
$('#message).text('window is resized to ' + $(window).width() + ‘x’ + $(window).height());

What are features of JQuery or what can be done using JQuery?

Features of Jquery 
1. One can easily provide effects and can do animations. 
2. Applying / Changing CSS. 
3. Cool plugins. 
4. Ajax support 
5. DOM selection events 
6. Event Handling 

What are the different type of selectors in Jquery?

There are 3 types of selectors in Jquery 
1. CSS Selector 
2. XPath Selector 
3. Custom Selector 

Q15. What is the difference between .js and .min.js?

Ans: jQuery library comes in 2 different versions Production and Deployment. The deployment version is also known as minified version. So .min.js is basically the minified version of jQuery library file. Both the files are same as far as functionality is concerned. but .min.js is quite small in size so it loads quickly and saves bandwidth.

Q16. Why there are two different version of jQuery library?

Ans: jQuery library comes in 2 different versions. 

1.     Production
2.     Deployment
The production version is quite useful at development time as jQuery is open source and if you want to change something then you can make those changes in production version. But the deployment version is minified version or compressed version so it is impossible to make changes in it. Because it is compressed, so its size is very less than the production version which affects the page load time.

Q26. What are the fastest selectors in jQuery?

Ans: ID and element selectors are the fastest selectors in jQuery.

Q27. What are the slow selectors in jQuery?

Ans: class selectors are the slow compare to ID and element.

Q33. What is the use of jquery .each() function?

Ans: The $.each() function is used to iterate over a jQuery object. The $.each() function can be used to iterate over any collection, whether it is an object or an array.

Q62. What are various methods to make ajax request in jQuery?

Ans: Using below jQuery methods, you can make ajax calls.
·         load() : Load a piece of html into a container DOM
·         $.getJSON(): Load JSON with GET method.
·         $.getScript(): Load a JavaScript file.
·         $.get(): Use to make a GET call and play extensively with the response.
·         $.post(): Use to make a POST call and don't want to load the response to some container DOM.
·         $.ajax(): Use this to do something on XHR failures, or to specify ajax options (e.g. cache: true) on the fly.

Connection Pooling
If more customers log into the database, web servers perform slowly because of more multiple connections getting opened. To avoid this problem, we have to use the best feature named "connection pooling".

Connection pooling is the ability of re-use your connection to the Database. This means if you enable Connection pooling in the connection object, actually you enable the re-use of the connection to more than one user.
The connection pooling is enabled by default in the connection object. 
Connection pooling reduces the number of times that new connections must be opened.
The pooler maintains ownership of the physical connection.
When a connection is first opened, a connection pool is created based on an exact matching algorithm that associates the pool with the connection string in the connection. Each connection pool is associated with a distinct connection string. When a new connection is opened, if the connection string is not an exact match to an existing pool, a new pool is created.
In the following C# example, three new SqlConnection objects are created, but only two connection pools are required to manage them. Note that the first and second connection strings differ by the value assigned for Initial Catalog.
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(
  "Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind"))
        // Pool A is created.

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(
  "Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=pubs"))
        // Pool B is created because the connection strings differ.

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(
  "Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Northwind"))
        // The connection string matches pool A.
1) Difference Between Exe and Dll
An EXE can run independently, whereas DLL will run within an
EXE. DLL is an in-process file and EXE is an out-process file.

What is Difference between HttpGet and HttpPost?

What is HTTP?
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is designed to enable communications between clients and servers.
HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and server.
Two commonly used methods for a request-response between a client and server are: GET and POST.
GET - Requests data from a specified resource
POST - Submits data to be processed to a specified resource
Http GET method
Data is submitted as a part of url.
Data is visible to the user as it post as query string.
it is not secure but fast and quick.
It use Stack method for passing form variable.
Data is limited to max length of querystring.
It is good when you want user to bookmark page.
Http POST method
Data is submitted in http request body.
Data is not visible in the url.
It is more secure but slower as compared to GET.
It use heap method for passing form variable
It can post unlimited form variables.
It is advisable for sending critical data which should not visible to users.
§  There are mainly two ways to pass data from one web page to another, using HTTP GET and HTTP POST method.
§  1)  HTTP GET: In HTTP GET method data passed through url querystring using name value pair. It’s simpler and you can troubleshoot any problems simply by looking at the address bar in your browser because all values passed are displayed there. This is also the primary weakness of this method. The data being passed is visible and is limited in size to the maximum length of a request string.(Maximum length of querystring???  do you know what’s max size??? ….)
§  For example, In this example, string after ‘?’ is the querystring. You have to seprate querystring name value pair by ‘&’ character.  So in this example there are two querystring field one is ‘FirstName’ and another is ‘LastName’ and values are ‘shailesh’ and ‘patel’ respectively.
§  Here’s an example of what a web server receives when a client makes a GET request:
§  GET /get_targetpage.aspx?firstname=shailesh&lastname=patel HTTP/1.1
 HTTP POST:  In HTTP POST request data are embeded in a HTTP HEADER.  So data are NOT visible to end user while you can see the data passed in HTTP GET method.  So if you want to pass sensitive information/data, you should have to use HTTP POST request. Another advantage is that you can send larger amounts of information compare to HTTP GET method.
Fundamental Difference is probably the Visibility -
The HTTPGet protocol creates a query string of the name-and-value pairs and then appends the query string to the URL of the script on the server that handles the request. Therefore, you can mark the request.
The HTTPPost protocol passes the name-and-value pairs in the body of the HTTP request message.

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